Solving ODE Problems

Week 10 Day 3: ODE problems


  • Discuss debuggers
  • Solve a BVP
  • Look at some other ODE problems


Using a debugger has several parts:

  • Starting the debugger
    • Classic way: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (This is the standard library debugger)
    • Python 3.7 way: breakpoint() (This will start the current debugger)
    • IPython offers %debug to jump in after an error is raised! (like
    • You can also start at the beginning (see docs)
  • Controlling the debugger
    • pyb (and ipydb) are sort of based on classic debugging tools - the syntax is a bit odd, but will be useful in other languages.
    • A common term is the "stack", short in this case for the "call-stack", the series of functions that call each other to get to the current point.
      • Note that the "stack" is also a term for memory locations in compiled programs - and is unrelated to this usage.
short name action Names in other debuggers
h help Print out help
p print Print out the value of a variable or expression
u up Go up one in the stack
d down Go down one in the stack
w where Show you where you are Stack trace
s step Move forward one computation Step in
n next More forward one line Step over
c continue Continue on till next stop
b breakpoint Set a breakpoint somehere
q quit Quit
## A program to debug
def simple_function(div):
    simple_x = 2
    simple_y = div

    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    return fancy_function(simple_x, simple_y)

def fancy_function(x, y):
    r = x / y
    return r
# simple_function(0)
# %debug
# simple_function(2)
# import pdb

Other tools: Tracing

Some IDEs, like PyCharm, may offer enhanced and partially graphical debuggers. And, in Python 3.7, the new built-in breakpoint() can call the fancy debugger instead of the builtin one!

Let's look at something similar: Tracing. If you have a complex piece of Python code and you want to have an idea of what the control flow looks like, you can trace it.


## A program to debug
def simple_function(div):
    simple_x = 2
    simple_y = div

    return fancy_function(simple_x, simple_y)

def fancy_function(x, y):
    r = x / y
    return r

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
!python -m trace --trace
 --- modulename: simple, funcname: <module> def simple_function(div): def fancy_function(x, y): def main(): if __name__ == "__main__":     main()
 --- modulename: simple, funcname: main     print(simple_function(2))
 --- modulename: simple, funcname: simple_function     simple_x = 2     simple_y = div     return fancy_function(simple_x, simple_y)
 --- modulename: simple, funcname: fancy_function     r = x / y     return r
!python -m trace --listfuncs

functions called:
filename:, modulename: simple, funcname: <module>
filename:, modulename: simple, funcname: fancy_function
filename:, modulename: simple, funcname: main
filename:, modulename: simple, funcname: simple_function

Boundary value problems (BPV)

Let's look at a square well:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.integrate
$$ \begin{align} \psi'' + \left( \frac{2 m}{\hbar^2} V_0 - \kappa^2 \right) \psi = 0,& \quad \textrm{for }|x|\le a \\ \psi'' - \kappa^2 \psi = 0,& \quad \textrm{for }|x| > a \end{align} $$

Again, we write this as a set of first order equations:

$$ u = \left(\begin{matrix}\psi' \\ \psi\end{matrix}\right) $$$$ u' = \left(\begin{matrix}\psi'' \\ \psi'\end{matrix}\right) = \left(\begin{matrix}\left( \frac{2 m}{\hbar^2} V_0 - \kappa^2 \right) \psi \\ \psi'\end{matrix}\right) $$

where we set $V_0$ to $0$ when $|x|$ is larger than $a$. Boundary conditions:

$$ \psi(x_\mathrm{max}) = e^{-\kappa x_\mathrm{max}} \\ \psi(-x_\mathrm{max}) = e^{-\kappa x_\mathrm{max}} $$

Double click to see broken code for solve_bvp (in a live notebook, not a viewer).

    by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC Bordeianu (deceased)
    Copyright R Landau, Oregon State Unv, MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, 
    C Bordeianu, Univ Bucharest, 2017. 
    Please respect copyright & acknowledge our work."""

#             Finds E and psi via rk4 + bisection

# mass/((hbar*c)**2)= 940MeV/(197.33MeV-fm)**2 =0.4829
# well width=20.0 fm, depth 10 MeV, Wave function not normalized.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

eps = 1e-3  # Precision
n_steps = 501
E = -17  # E guess
h = 0.04
count_max = 100
Emax = 1.1 * E  # E limits
Emin = E / 1.1

def f(x, y, E):
    return np.array([y[1], -0.4829 * (E - V(x)) * y[0]])

def V(x):
    # Well depth
    return -16 if abs(x) < 10 else 0

def rk4(t, y, h, Neqs, E):
    ydumb = np.zeros((Neqs), float)
    k1 = np.zeros((Neqs), float)
    k2 = np.zeros((Neqs), float)
    k3 = np.zeros((Neqs), float)
    k4 = np.zeros((Neqs), float)

    F = f(t, y, E)
    k1 = h * F
    ydumb = y + k1 / 2

    F = f(t + h / 2, ydumb, E)
    k2 = h * F
    ydumb = y + k2 / 2

    F = f(t + h / 2, ydumb, E)
    k3 = h * F
    ydumb = y + k3

    F = f(t + h, ydumb, E)
    k4 = h * F

    y += (k1 + 2 * (k2 + k3) + k4) / 6

def diff(E, h):
    i_match = n_steps // 3  # Matching radius
    nL = i_match + 1

    y = np.array([1e-15, 1e-15 * np.sqrt(-E * 0.4829)])  # Initial left wf

    for ix in range(0, nL + 1):
        x = h * (ix - n_steps / 2)
        rk4(x, y, h, 2, E)

    left = y[1] / y[0]  # Log  derivative

    y[0] = 1e-15
    # For even;  reverse for odd
    y[1] = -y[0] * np.sqrt(-E * 0.4829)  # Initialize R wf

    for ix in range(n_steps, nL + 1, -1):
        x = h * (ix + 1 - n_steps / 2)
        rk4(x, y, -h, 2, E)

    right = y[1] / y[0]  # Log derivative
    return (left - right) / (left + right)

def plot(E, h):
    # Repeat integrations for plot
    x = 0.0
    n_steps = 1501  # integration steps

    y = np.zeros((2), float)
    yL = np.zeros((2, 505), float)
    i_match = 500  # Matching point
    nL = i_match + 1

    y[0] = 1e-40  # Initial left wf
    y[1] = -np.sqrt(-E * 0.4829) * y[0]

    for ix in range(nL + 1):
        yL[0][ix] = y[0]
        yL[1][ix] = y[1]
        x = h * (ix - n_steps / 2)
        rk4(x, y, h, 2, E)

    y[0] = -1.0e-15  # For even;  reverse for odd
    y[1] = -np.sqrt(-E * 0.4829) * y[0]
    j = 0

    Rwf_x = np.zeros(n_steps - 3 - nL)
    Rwf_y = np.zeros(n_steps - 3 - nL)
    for ix in range(n_steps - 1, nL + 2, -1):  # right WF
        x = h * (ix + 1 - n_steps / 2)  # Integrate in
        rk4(x, y, -h, 2, E)
        Rwf_x[j] = 2 * (ix + 1 - n_steps / 2)
        Rwf_y[j] = y[0] * 35e-9
        j += 1
    x = x - h
    normL = y[0] / yL[0][nL]
    j = 0

    # Renormalize L wf & derivative
    Lwf_x = np.zeros(nL + 1)
    Lwf_y = np.zeros(nL + 1)
    for ix in range(nL + 1):
        x = h * (ix - n_steps / 2 + 1)
        y[0] = yL[0][ix] * normL
        y[1] = yL[1][ix] * normL
        Lwf_x[j] = 2 * (ix - n_steps / 2 + 1)
        Lwf_y[j] = y[0] * 35e-9  # Factor for scale
        j += 1

    plt.plot(Rwf_x, Rwf_y)
    plt.plot(Lwf_x, Lwf_y)

for count in range(0, count_max + 1):
    # Iteration loop
    E = (Emax + Emin) / 2  # Divide E range
    Diff = diff(E, h)

    if diff(Emax, h) * Diff > 0:
        Emax = E  # Bisection algor
        Emin = E

    if abs(Diff) < eps:

    plot(E, h)

print("Final eigenvalue E = ", E)
print("iterations, max = ", count)
Final eigenvalue E =  -15.952090037952768
iterations, max =  15

Problem 2: Projectile motion with drag

We can select a power $n=1$ or $2$. The friction coefficient is $k$.

$$ \ddot{x} = - k \dot{x}^n \frac{\dot{x}}{v} \\ \ddot{y} = - g - k \dot{y}^n \frac{\dot{y}}{v} \\ v = \sqrt{\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2} $$

We can rewrite it:

$$ u = \left(\begin{matrix} x \\ \dot{x} \\ y \\ \dot{y} \end{matrix}\right) $$


$$ \dot{u} = \left(\begin{matrix} \dot{x} \\ - k \dot{x}^n \frac{\dot{x}}{v} \\ \dot{y} \\ - g - k \dot{y}^n \frac{\dot{y}}{v} \end{matrix}\right) = \left(\begin{matrix} u_1 \\ - k u_1^n \frac{u_1}{\sqrt{u_1^2 + u_3^2}} \\ u_3 \\ - g - k u_3^n \frac{u_3}{\sqrt{u_1^2 + u_3^2}} \end{matrix}\right) $$

We can set the initial positions to 0 and give it a starting velocity, and compare no friction to friction versions.

import scipy.integrate
v0 = 22
angle = 34
g = 9.8
k = 0.8
n = 1

v0x = v0 * np.cos(np.radians(angle))
v0y = v0 * np.sin(np.radians(angle))

t_eval = np.linspace(0, 2)
analytic_x = v0x * t_eval
analytic_y = v0y * t_eval - 0.5 * g * t_eval ** 2
def f(t, u):
    v = np.sqrt(u[1] ** 2 + u[3] ** 2)
    return np.stack(
        [u[1], -k * u[1] ** n * u[1] / v, u[3], -g - k * u[3] ** n * u[3] / v]
res = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(f, [0, 2], [0, v0x, 0, v0y], t_eval=t_eval)
The solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval.
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
plt.plot(res.y[0], res.y[2])
plt.plot(analytic_x, analytic_y)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fbcd937dd90>]
    by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC Bordeianu (deceased)
    Copyright R Landau, Oregon State Unv, MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, 
    C Bordeianu, Univ Bucharest, 2017. 
    Please respect copyright & acknowledge our work."""

# Order dt^2 projectile trajectory + drag

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

v0 = 22
angle = 34.0
g = 9.8
kf = 0.8
N = 20

v0x = v0 * np.cos(angle * np.pi / 180)
v0y = v0 * np.sin(angle * np.pi / 180)
T = 2 * v0y / g
H = v0y ** 2 / 2 / g
R = 2 * v0x * v0y / g

print("No Drag T =", T, ", H =", H, ", R =", R)

def plotNumeric(k):
    vx = v0 * np.cos(angle * np.pi / 180)
    vy = v0 * np.sin(angle * np.pi / 180)
    x = 0.0
    y = 0.0
    dt = vy / g / N * 1.5

    print("\n       With Friction  ")
    print("       x            y")

    xy = np.empty((2, N))
    xy[:, 0] = 0, 0

    for i in range(N - 1):
        vx = vx - k * vx * dt
        vy = vy - g * dt - k * vy * dt
        x = x + vx * dt
        y = y + vy * dt
        xy[:, i + 1] = x, y
        print(" %13.10f  %13.10f " % (x, y))


def plotAnalytic():
    v0x = v0 * np.cos(angle * np.pi / 180)
    v0y = v0 * np.sin(angle * np.pi / 180)
    dt = v0y / g / N * 1.8
    print("\n       No Friction  ")
    print("        x            y")

    xy = np.empty((2, N))
    for i in range(N):
        t = i * dt
        x = v0x * t
        y = v0y * t - g * t * t / 2
        xy[:, i] = x, y
        print(" %13.10f  %13.10f" % (x, y))


No Drag T = 2.510662015582945 , H = 7.7216941017014955 , R = 45.79152914391073

       With Friction  
       x            y
  1.5878444084   0.9841455183 
  3.0560925976   1.8072962748 
  4.4137525380   2.4815783725 
  5.6691537211   3.0182045781 
  6.8299982623   3.4275431141 
  7.9034081546   3.7191812700 
  8.8959689636   3.9019842221 
  9.8137702310   3.9841494227 
 10.6624428350   3.9732568932 
 11.4471935368   3.8763157289 
 12.1728369253   3.6998071009 
 12.8438249551   3.4497240195 
 13.4642742600   3.1316081022 
 14.0379914099   2.7505835728 
 14.5684962641   2.3113886991 
 15.0590435667   1.8184048634 
 15.5126429149   1.2756834428 
 15.9320772235   0.6869706652 
 16.3199197985   0.0557305932 

       No Friction  
        x            y
  0.0000000000   0.0000000000
  2.0606188115   1.3273592161
  4.1212376230   2.5296269877
  6.1818564344   3.6068033149
  8.2424752459   4.5588881976
 10.3030940574   5.3858816359
 12.3637128689   6.0877836298
 14.4243316803   6.6645941792
 16.4849504918   7.1163132841
 18.5455693033   7.4429409446
 20.6061881148   7.6444771607
 22.6668069262   7.7209219323
 24.7274257377   7.6722752595
 26.7880445492   7.4985371422
 28.8486633607   7.1997075804
 30.9092821721   6.7757865742
 32.9699009836   6.2267741236
 35.0305197951   5.5526702285
 37.0911386066   4.7534748890
 39.1517574180   3.8291881050