Python Setup#

The first choice you have to face setting up Python is which distribution you want: official packaging using PyPA tools (like pip), or the conda Python and packages. Both options will be outlined below.

PyPA packaging#

To use the standard tools, you can get Python from anywhere (except Conda, see below). Official Python installers are available for macOS and Windows.

On macOS, you can use homebrew, as well; this is especially useful if you are already using it to manage everything else on your system.

On Windows, typing python will open the Windows store if it’s not installed. You can also use winget install Python, Window’s official package manager on recent versions, to get Python from the Windows store.

For Linux, if you use your system Python, make sure it is new enough, and never modify the base environment except though your package manager (generally true, but more so here). The system Python is really intended for use in other system packages, and is not intended for you to modify. Modern pip and modern systems now work together to provide safegaurds for this.

Virtual environments#

Once you get a Python, how do you install packages safely? Installing or especially upgrading (which can happen when installing) packages can break your system Python. There is also a user location for installs, but this is also bad, as it’s not possible to set up more than one, and it can still break things since it’s always included. The proper solution is using virtual environments. A virtual environment is a complete collection of all your packages and a symlink to the system Python.

There are several tools that make virtual environments; the slowest one is built right into Python. You can make a virtual environment like this:

python3 -m venv .venv

This runs your system Python, runs the CLI provided by the venv module, which takes the path to the virtual environment as an argument. Unless you need more than one, your virtual environment should be at the root of your project with the name .venv. Never check it into git; it should be listed in your .gitignore. If you have the third-party package virtualenv, it’s just faster and the pre-installed pip is updated more regularly than the Python standard library allows - it has the same interface).

(Notice I didn’t mention python3 -m ensurepip? That’s because you don’t need it with a virtualenv, the virtualenv will come with pip installed, even if it’s not on your system. In fact, it’s not a bad idea to not have a system pip at all, so you can’t accidentally modify the system environment)

(Feel free to look at the virtual environment directory! It has a pyvenv.cfg, which is the key part that tells Python you are in an isolated virtual environment, and otherwise looks a bit like a mini unix system layout, with /bin (\scripts on Windows), lib/python3.x/site-packages, etc.)

To use the virtual environment, either use the full path (like .venv/bin/python), or “activate” it, using the appropriate script for your shell inside .venv/bin. If you activate it, it will add a function deactivate that you can run to undo everything activation does.

Locking environments#

When making a virtual env, it’s a good idea to record the packages you want to install so that you can recreate the environment easily. This list is often called requirements.txt (not needed for creating a package, though, which we will cover later).

A very powerful technique is to call this generic list instead, and use something like pip-compile from pip-tools to generate a requirements.txt from this file with all the versions pinned. This way, you can easily create exactly the same environment on another machine or later, and you can also easily update by recreating the requirements.txt file.


Virtual environments work great for projects, but what about applications that you find on PyPI that you want to use? There’s a simple solution for this: pipx, which is pip’s counterpart for “executables”. When you run pipx install <package>, pipx will create a managed virtual environment for just that application, and only expose it’s applications on the command line. So pipx install twine will allow you to run twine anywhere, but you will not be able to import twine, since it really lives in it’s own virtual environment.

Even better, pip run <app> will combine the two steps of installing and running an application into one command; pipx will install the app into a temporary virtual environment (reused if you rerun the same command less than a week later), and then run it. With pipx run, you never have to think about what is installed on the machine you are on, or updating anything. All of PyPI is at your fingertips.

Self-contained scripts#

A related concern is making self-contained scripts that declare their own dependencies. This looks like this:

# /// script
# dependencies = ["requests", "numpy"]
# ///

Tools like pipx can read this and install the dependencies in a temporary virtual environment before running the script. When running this with pipx run, make sure to pass it a path, like pipx run ./; if you pass a raw filename like, it will look for a package on PyPI with that name.

Task runners#

The last common need is to run a series of commands in a specific environment. This can be your tests, your documentation, or various other tasks. The original tool for this is tox, but due to it’s custom configuration format, the Python-based tool nox is recommended instead for newcomers as well as experienced users.

You write a with functions that represent the tasks you want to to run. It looks something like this:

import nox

def tests(session):
    session.install("pytest")"pytest", *session.posargs)

Now you can run nox -s tests to run your tests in a clean environment. You can install nox with pipx! (Or brew, etc.)


For static checks, like linting, formatting, and spell-checkers, you can use pre-commit. We will cover this in detail later in the course. For now, just know pre-commit run -a will run all your pre-commit checks in globally cached isolated environments, and the check list is stored in .pre-commit-config.yaml. This is intended for fast checks, not running pytest (for example).

If you want to use it in it’s namesake mode, then you can use pre-commit install, which will add git hooks that run on every commit, only for changed files (skip with -n).

Other tools#

There are many other tools that build on these concepts and make various aspects easier or faster. Here are some popular ones:

  • poetry - The first major attempt to make a modern package manager. It’s become a bit too opinionated in some areas, like it is the only one to force you to use it’s build-backend, and is behind on following standards.

  • pdm: A mostly drop-in replacement for poetry that is more flexible and follows standards better. It can also do things like install Python for you.

  • hatch: The only tool in this list that can do multiple environments properly (uv might later), but also the only one to not have built-in locking yet.

  • uv - The most interesting new tool, it will be covered in depth below.

Each tool has strengths and drawbacks. Before uv, the best tool for projects that needed locking was pdm, and tasks could be handled with nox (so that’s a two-tool solution, which isn’t bad). However, uv is a very new and very interesting entry, so let’s cover that below.


The team at astral-sh has been developing Rust-based tooling for Python. They recently introduced uv, which started out as a drop-in replacement for venv, pip, and pip-tools that was 10-100x faster. They also have a more modern design since they don’t have to worry about backwards-compatibly (so technically not quite drop-in), and had many long-requested features added (to be fair, uv has likely had more dedicated developer time than these other tools, probably combined). Since launching, they’ve also replaced pipx, build, Python installers, and are starting to replace poetry/pdm. By targeting the stand alone tools first, it’s easy to just use uv for whatever you want faster without fully committing to it like, for example, Poetry forces you to do.

If you use uv venv, this creates virtual environments faster than Python can start up. They do not, by default, contain anything, since uv was designed to be able to target a virtual environment from the outside (modern pip can too, but for legacy reasons, we are used to running it from inside the virtual environment).

If you use uv pip install, you will get an ultra-fast package installer. A few key differences: It will look for a virtual environment named ./.venv if one is not active by default, it will not install to the system Python unless you add --system or pass an path to --python, and it will never install to the user location. It also has some amazing features, like limiting the date of the searched packages, and a minimum-versions resolver so you can make sure your stated minimums are valid.

If you use uv pip compile, you’ll get an ultra-fast lock file generator that can target versions of Python and platforms you don’t even have.

If you use uv tool run (or uvx), you’ll get a tool runner that can run any Python tool in a temporary virtual environment. You can also use uv tool install to manage tools. And you can use uv run to run a script with dependencies.

If you need to build packages, uv build is a drop-in replacement for the standard pypa/build.

If you want to install and manage Python, uv python install and related commands will install Python on your system for you in a uv managed location. After installing, uv commands will prefer these managed versions. These are binary installs, so they are faster than most of the classic tools like pyenv.

The most recent addition is a series of poetry/pdm-like project commands, such as uv init, uv add, and uv sync. These let you set up a managed environment with an integrated lockfile. There is also now uv configuration in pyproject.toml or uv.toml.

Task support and hopefully multiple environments are coming soon, which would basically allow uv to be a true all-in-one tool for Python development.

Many of the above tools also support using uv, such as nox, build, hatch, and pdm, usually with flags or configuration settings. There is also a plugin for tox and a hack for pre-commit.


Conda is a package manager that is not Python-specific, but is very popular in the Python scientific community. The format predates wheels (the current PyPI binary format), and still has some advantages over wheels. Besides the obvious advantage of being able to install Python itself, and having lots of non-Python-related packages, it also doesn’t require that packages be stand-alone and supports shared libraries.

It was written in Python (which is a strange idea for a tool that is supposed to install Python…) and had a very slow solver, which as the number of packages and versions of packages grew, made it ridiculously slow, especially when adding a package to an existing environment, or updating an environment. This has caused the tool to be written multiple times: mamba has a faster, C++ solver, micromamba was a complete C++ package that didn’t require bootstrapping Python, and pixi, which is a complete rethinking of the tool in Rust. The mamba solver was finally added to the original conda as libmamba, and is now the default.

The packages for these tools were originally distributed by Anaconda, under the Anaconda ToS, which was not open source. They shipped “anaconda”, which was conda with a pre-installed set of “common” packages. Using packages from the defaults channel is allowed for some purposes, like education at a university. A community project, conda-forge, was created to provide a free, open-source channel with regular updates built using free CI offerings. This has grown to be the largest channel, with thousands of packages. Just to complicate matters, there are several installers like “miniforge” and “mambaforge” that are just conda or mamba with conda-forge set as the default channel; you can do this yourself with the base tools, and pixi already defaults to conda-forge.

Note that conda-forge has it’s own compiler toolchain. You generally should not be compiling code with conda-forge packages; if you have to, make sure you get the compiler toolchain from conda-forge as well. Wheels mostly work, but you lose the advantages of conda’s shared libraries. If you are just using conda to get Python, then using pip, this is a very bad way to use conda, use something like uv, pdm, or hatch’s python installation features instead.


Pixi is a new tool with a modern, package manager-like interface. It is really, really fast, has automatic locking, a task system, great integration with PyPI too (via uv), and much more. This website is built with pixi. If you are using conda for project-based development, it’s a great choice. Like most Rust software, it’s just a single binary, so it’s easy to install and use. You can also get it from places like homebrew. Like uv, it has great GitHub Actions integration, as well (CI).

You can start a project with pixi init or pixi init --pyproject (the former is for standalone projects like websites, the latter is better if you plan to let other people import your project; we’ll talk about packaging later). This just sets up a few files. Here’s an example of a simple pixi configuration in pixi.toml:

name = "se-for-sci"
channels = ["conda-forge"]
platforms = ["linux-64", "osx-arm64", "osx-64"]

ipykernel = "*"
jupyterlab = ">=3"

lab = "jupyter lab"

Notice the platform list: this locks for all platforms listed. Now, you can run pixi run lab to start up jupyter lab. You don’t need to call pixi sync, run will do it for you if it’s out of date. There won’t be a solve here unless you don’t have a pixi.lock yet. You can use pixi add to add packages, pixi update to update all packages. You can also use pixi global install as a conda-forge version of pipx install.