Static Typing#


What is the best thing about Python? One of the first things you’ll hear: no explicit typing.

What is the worst thing about Python? That’s pretty unanimous (only the occasional whitespace-hater might disagree): no explicit typing.

It’s great to be able to pick up Python and not have to worry about types. You don’t have to learn how to write types, you might even find it easier to focus on writing new code without all the extra characters needed to add types. But as your program grows, you’ll quickly find it is much harder to read code without types, and you’ll start wishing a compiler would give you errors immediately instead of having your code crash half an hour into a job because you forgot to handle a variable being None.

Over the last few years, Python has been gaining an optional type system. It looks like this:

def times_three(x: float) -> float:
    return x * 3

We can call it with something that’s not a float, and python doesn’t care or check:

["Hi", "Hi", "Hi"]

This is good, as checking this could be very expensive (imagine a huge list that supposed to be filled with ints - Python would have to loop over the entire list! How about a generator that can only be iterated over once? Etc.)

But how do we verify calls to times_three use the correct types? Consider a compiled language. Similar to python, a compiled language doesn’t verify types during runtime - it does it when you compile - a required “pre-running” step. If we want this type checking in Python, we need an optional pre-running step that checks types - it serves the same purpose as compiling in compiled languages, minus compiling and making machine code, of course.

With Python, this equates to running a type checker; a static check you run over your code, very similar to testing. It checks the validity of your types (which can catch many common and uncommon errors) over your entire code base without needing to write a single test. It’s usually very fast, as well. Type checking doesn’t verify results are correct, just the types you expect. Ideally you have both good tests and static types.

Why learn Python types?

This is not a course about Python. So why learn Python types? Almost everything you do with Python types applies to compiled code too - it’s just required, rather than optional. Hopefully by learning it now you’ll be able to focus on adapting to other differences with compiled languages - and you’l have a new valuable Python skill too!

While the language defines type syntax and the Python developers provide types for the standard library and some major third party dependencies, there are multiple type checkers to pick from.

  • MyPy: The original type checker, from the CPython authors. Written in Python. Often trails the other type checkers in adding new typing feature support, largely due to the age of the code base and being the first and rather home-grown.

  • PyRight: Microsoft’s type checker. Powers PyLance, which is the language server used in VSCode. Written in TypeScript. Very fast, very good. Targets running on large codebases and doing incremental live typechecking.

  • PyRE: Meta’s type checker, written for Instagram. Written in OCaml (FYI, Rust’s syntax borrows heavily from OCaml). Focused on Security.

  • PyType: Google’s type checker. Written in Python, requires a unix-like system. Differs in that it does inference on untyped functions, and tries not to be more strict than runtime.

Together, these form the “big four” type checkers. Representatives from all four projects are part of the typing mailing lists for Python and have say on new features related to typing.

If you don’t know which to pick, use mypy. It’s the easiest to run, often the “lowest common denominator” for features, and it’s what your dependencies are most likely checking against. If you are using VSCode, you’ll also get PyRight underlining things live. PyCharm also has it’s own built-in type checker - it can’t be run standalone, but it’s similar in importance to the four listed above.

Runtime typing

There are libraries that do forms of runtime typing as well. You can inspect the types and act on them if you want, so libraries like beartype, typeguaurd, and strongtyping will give you something (usually a decorator) that adds runtime validation based on your type annotations.

By default, Python ignores type annotations at runtime, and that’s for the best.

Running a type checker#

Let’s say we have the following

def simple_typed_function(x: float) -> float:
    return x * 2

def simple_untyped_function(x):
    return x * 2

input_value = ["hi"]

Once you have type annotations, you can run a type checker on your code. This generally involves installing your type checker (we’ll use mypy exclusively), and then running it on your Python code:

mypy error: Argument 1 to "simple_typed_function" has incompatible type "list[str]"; expected "float"  [arg-type]
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

This shows a typing error: we claimed that simple_typed_function took only floats, but we then tried to use it with a list of strings. Either we should expand our types to include lists of strings, or we should not call the function with lists of strings! It happens that this one works at runtime - you can be more strict and clear in your types than you are at runtime. It’s probably just a coincidence this happens to work on lists; you probably never considered this when you wrote the function.

Where do types go?

There are three possible locations to place types in Python:

  • Inline annotations, like we are doing - recommended.

  • Type comments - mostly there as a holdover from Python 2.

  • Stub files (.pyi) - used if you can’t add to the source.

Packages of stub files are available for popular untyped libraries using <name>-stubs names on PyPI. You can also add local stubs for a library that’s missing stub files, or add stubs for compiled / generated files in your own code.

By default, MyPy supports “gradual typing”; that is, it tries to do things that it can, but it doesn’t complain when types are missing or for using untyped code. You can turn on flags one by one to make MyPy stricter, or you can do it all in one flag --strict:

mypy --strict error: Function is missing a type annotation  [no-untyped-def] error: Argument 1 to "simple_typed_function" has incompatible type "list[str]"; expected "float"  [arg-type] error: Call to untyped function "simple_untyped_function" in typed context  [no-untyped-call]
Found 3 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

Now MyPy tells us exactly what we need to do to fully type this code and give us the best results: we need to add types to our untyped function. Notice we do not need to add types to input_value; your type checker will infer most variables for you. It’s usually only interfaces (function parameters and return values) that need to be typed.

Inspecting Python types

MyPy gives you a reveal_type(x) function that will cause MyPy to print the type of x. Think of it like a print statement, but for MyPy! You can also use reveal_types() to show the types for all locals at once. These functions are very useful for inspecting the types and learning how checking works. And occasionally figuring out the type of something you aren’t sure of.

Using modern typing annotations even in older languages

If a file starts with:

from __future__ import annotations

Then all type annotations in the file will be unevaluated strings. This means you can use Python 3.13 syntax in them, and any Python 3.7+ will happily work! This is great, as every version up to 3.10 has had large improvements for typing. We will use the new syntax exclusively; add the above import to follow along on older Python versions.

Features added to typing (stdlib) are also added to typing_extensions, which you can pip install / add to your requirements. It’s very common to conditionally pull things from typing or typing_extensions as we will do in this material.

One case MyPy is very good at is validating “optional” values (things that can be a value or None). For example:

from __future__ import annotations

def some_function(data: str, prefixes: list[str] | None = None) -> str:
    for prefix in prefixes:
        data = f"{prefix}_{data}"
    return data

Do you see the error? MyPy does:

mypy error: Item "None" of "list[str] | None" has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable)  [union-attr]
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

Ignoring the old style syntax (it should say Item "None" of "list[str] | None"), it did find the problem. If someone does not pass prefix=, our function will try to iterate over None, which throw a runtime error! Even without a test case for using the default argument, MyPy can detect it as problematic.

The fix is simple - just use for prefix in prefixes or []:. Once we learn about Protocols, another fix would be to replace the list[str] with something that allows tuples too, then () could be a default argument instead of allowing None. Note: never make a list or dictionary ([] or {}) a default argument - the object is bound when the function is created, so any mutation on the default argument will mutate the default argument itself!

Escape hatch#

You can force your type checker to ignore a bit of code with a type: ignore comment, like this:

x: str = f()
x.nonexistent()  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

Typically, only use this as a last resort. There are places where you need to bypass checking, especially if your code is not fully typed yet. The reason (e.g. [attr-defined] is optional, but recommended.

Lying about types

In a compiled language, you have to make the types work. But since they are optional in Python and only checked by an optional step, you can simply disable them on a line or a file if you need to. In fact, you can even lie about types. You can claim something only takes a subset of the types it really could support, you can exclude an object type that only exists for backward compatibility or is deprecated, etc - all things you could not do in a compiled language. In general, you should be more strict with typing than with runtime.

Typing basics#

Typing syntax#

Type annotations can appear in any of the following locations:

# Variable annotation
x: int = 2

# No assignment is allowed ("declaration")
y: int

# Function annotation
def f(x: int) -> int:
    return x

# Class annotations
class X:
    a: int  # Declares instance variable, use typing.ClassVar otherwise

Python type checkers consider a string to be identical to the type itself:

x: "int" = 2

This allows you to use classes that have not yet been defined as types, for example. If you put from __future__ import annotations at the top, then all type annotations are automatically strings, and you don’t have to worry about adding quotes.

You do not need to add types to most variable declarations; they can be deduced. You do not need to add a type to the self or cls parameter of a method.

Simple types#

The type of a variable is generally its class. So these are all types:

a: int = 1
b: str = "hi"
c: bytes = b"hi"
d: float = 1.0
e: complex = 1 + 1j
f: bool = True
g: None = None

Notice that None is its own type. If you have a custom or standard library class, the class is its type.

The relationship between int, float, and complex is special; float can also be int, for example. This keeps the types from being annoying about matching floats with float operations. Though enforcing the dot might have made Python 3.11 run faster, as it optimizes float-float and int-int operations, but not float-int. (A similar special case is setup between bytes, bytearray, and memoryview, if you were curious. All other cases can be handled correctly via Protocols, see below.)

Catch-all types#

There are two catch all types in Python. The first is Any. This is the “fully dynamic” type:

from typing import Any

x: Any = could_return_anything()

This is basically untyped - the type checker will not catch anything with Any. Everything is allowed. There are places you have to (at least temporarily) use it, like when reading a data structure from a file. You should generally try to assign a type as soon as you know one.

The other is object. This is also valid on every type, since every type in Python inherits from object. The difference is that the type checker will allow nothing on object that does not work with every object - hint: is and str/repr work on all objects! Try to use object instead of Any if you can. A great use for object is for forwarding args:

def wrap(*args: object, **kwargs: object) -> int:
    return compute_int(*args, **kwargs)

Note that the type of args then is tuple[object, ...] and the type of kwargs is dict[str, object]; this is how the * and ** was defined in Python. Using object is a bit safer than Any and doesn’t require an import. Obviously, if you know the fixed type of these, it’s better to use that.


Python also as the idea of generic classes (template classes in C++, the reason C++’s standard library is called the “stl”, standard template library). Generics or templates are a class that are parametrized on a “contained” type. Let’s look at a couple:

a: list[int] = [1, 2, 3]
s: set[int] = {1, 2, 3}

The type parameter is provided using [] syntax (<> in C++). List’s have a parameter that takes the contents of the list. You can have 0 or more of those items. (Note: list is generic starting in Python 3.9, so either use future annotations or Python 3.9 for the above syntax; before that you had to use from typing import List and List[int]). The set collection works the same way as list.

Now let’s look at tuple; it has a design that’s rather unique (most other containers are more like list):

b: tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 2, 3)
c: tuple[int, ...] = (1, 2, 3)

You’ll see tuple’s design is customized based on the fact tuple is more often a heterogeneous container. You can chose to type it by each item, or you can use ... to indicate there are 0 or more of the last item. If your type checker infers the type of tuple, it will select the “one each” method (b above).

Now let’s look at dict:

d: dict[str, int] = {"one": 1, "two": 2}

Dictionary types take two arguments, the key and the value. Dictionaries are such an important structure that there’s a second way to add types to them, TypedDict, that allows you to assign specific types to specific keys. We will cover them below. If you do have different types for different entries, you often should be using a (data)class instead of a dictionary - dicts are best homogeneous.

That’s the built-in collections. We’ll see a better way to type input collections in a later section.


What if you want to have multiple types? Whenever two or more types are allowed, that’s a Union. For example, this is a list that can take either ints or strings:

x: list[int | str] = [1, "hi"]

This is a list that is either full of ints, or strings, but not mixed:

x: list[int] | list[str] = [1, 2]
y: list[int] | list[str] = ["hello", "world"]

One of the most common unions is the “optional” pattern, probably better called “Nonable”:

x: int | None = None

This can then be set to an int later. This is very common for optional arguments.

Other types#

You can add special features to Python typing that are normally only found in compiled languages.


You can specify that a variable is not to be changed:

x: Final = 3

You are now not allowed to reassign x:

# Type checker will error here
x = 4

Final variables are especially useful for global constants - they should not be modified by convention, but now you can ensure they aren’t overwritten via the type checker. Note that this is not a “true” const variable; you can still mutate the variable if it’s mutable. At least the Python authors were better at naming this - C++ const pointers and variables have the same problem if they hold a reference/pointer that is mutable.

x: Final[list[int]] = []

x.append(1)  # Valid!
# This wouldn't be a problem with a non-mutable type

Final in the first example is a shorthand for Final[Literal[3]] in this case (Literal is discussed later under Type Narrowing). You can explicitly include the type if you want (and this is not considered an unspecified generic when you turn on the matching flag in MyPy, since it’s not assuming Any for the parameter). Some type checkers (PyLance) treat this a little differently when unspecified, so specifying the type when you have a container is mildly recommended.

Another example is, which is a decorator that marks a method as un-overridable.

class A:
    def no_overload_me(self) -> None:

class B(A):
    pass  # Uncommenting the lines below is a type error, can't override a final method!
    # def no_overload_me(self) -> None:
    #     pass


Python’s enums are handled by type checkers as well; they act like literals and unions.

from enum import Enum

class Direction(Enum):
    up = "up"
    down = "down"

reveal_type(Direction.up)  # Revealed type is "Literal[Direction.up]?"
reveal_type(Direction.down)  # Revealed type is "Literal[Direction.down]?"

Note that the ? from reveal_type tells you that a type was inferred. The type checker is allowed to treat Literal[Direction.up]? as Direction later since it was inferred.


Python provides TypedDict, which allows you to customize the types of values based on string keys.

class VersionDict(typing.TypedDict):
    major: int
    minor: int
    patch: int

d: VersionDict = {"major": 1, "minor": 2, "patch": 3}

If you want these keys to be optional, you can add total=False to the class definition (since version 3, Python has supported keyword arguments here too). Since Python 3.11 (or using typing_extensions) you can mark fields as required or potentially missing as well. (before this, you had to make two classes with different total= settings and using inheritance, but it was cumbersome).

class VersionDictExtra(VersionDict, total=False):
    build: int


Python didn’t handle collections.namedtuple very well when it came to adding types, so typing.NamedTuple provides a new, simpler syntax that also allows you to specify the types:

# Classic
Version = collections.namedtuple("Version", ("major", "minor", "patch"))

# New
class Version(typing.NamedTuple):
    major: int
    minor: int
    patch: int

This syntax is often nicer for runtime as well, and supports default values more naturally.

Type narrowing#

One of the most important features to running a type checker is type narrowing. This tracks a union and removes entries if something is excluded, often in branching. For example:

def f(x: str | None) -> str:
    if x is None:
        return ""
    return x

This passes a type check. The if statement narrows the union str | None to just None inside the body of the if. Once the if has passed, then the type of x is now just str, since if it was None the function execution could not have reached this point. (FYI, this style is called a “guard”.)

What do you think this would print?

def f(x: str | None) -> None:
    if x:

The first reveal_type will print str, since None can not be in this branch; it can’t be truthy. The second reveal_type will print str | None, since None must be falsey, and str might be if it’s the empty string. Technically, since MyPy shows the old syntax, this is exactly what it prints: note: Revealed type is "builtins.str" note: Revealed type is "Union[builtins.str, None]"
Success: no issues found in 1 source file

Usually your type checker can narrow correctly, but occasionally it might need help. For example,

def could_be_none(y: bool) -> int | None:
    return 42 if y else None

y = could_be_none(True)
print(f"Bitcount: {y.bit_count()}")

This won’t pass a typecheck, since None.bit_count() is not supported. If you know this is not going to be None based on the situation, you can force a narrowing using assert:

y = could_be_none(True)
assert y is not None
print(f"Bitcount: {y.bit_count()}")

Now this passes the type check, because y is no longer None, it was narrowed out by the assert.

If you had this exact situation, it would be be better to teach the type checker that the literal True forces a non-None return value - this can be done with overloads, which we’ll cover later.


There are cases were you want to control the types based on the exact value of an input. Given we already have unions, we can use that to include literal values (other than None, which is already only a single value). The easiest literal are the bool values. You could see bool as Literal[True, False], which is basically how type checkers see it. Strings can have literal values too:

from typing import Literal

def run(action: Literal["start", "stop"]) -> bool:
    if action == "start":
        return True
    return False

This will require "start" or "stop" to be used; run("begin") will fail a type check. Note that Literal["a", "b"] is a shorthand for Literal["a"] | Literal["b"].

Note for backwards compatibility (and probably because it is less surprising), the inferred type of x = True is bool, not Literal[True]. If type checkers used the more restrictive type, then x = False would change the type (at least as some strictness level, variables should not be reassigned with a different type, just like a compiled language).


You can specify overloads with the type checker. These are typing overloads; similar to functools.singledispatch, but you are responsible for setting up the dispatch or returns; this is just telling the type checker that different patterns of input types produce different output types.

Here’s an example:

import typing
from typing import Literal

def could_be_none(y: Literal[True]) -> int: ...

def could_be_none(y: Literal[False]) -> None: ...

# This is optional, but allows passing an unknown bool in too
def could_be_none(y: bool) -> int | None: ...

def could_be_none(y: bool) -> int | None:
    return 42 if y else None

x: bool = return_a_bool()
a: int = could_be_none(True)
b: None = could_be_none(False)
c: int | None = could_be_none(x)

Note the ... above are the actual syntax - these are used in typing to indicate the body is somewhere else. (Unlike pass, which indicates there is no body or it’s not implemented yet.) These overloads are type overloads only - they can’t contain a body and they do nothing at runtime.

Exhaustiveness checking#

If you have an enum or a union, often you want to handle all possibilities. Something like this runtime code:

class Direction(Enum):
    up = "up"
    down = "down"

def handle_direciton(direction: Direction) -> str:
    if direction == Direction.up:
        return "up"
    if direction == Direction.down:
        return "down"
    raise AssertionError(f"Unhandled direction {direction}")
class Direction(Enum):
    up = "up"
    down = "down"

def handle_direction(direction: Direction) -> str:
    match direction:
        case Direction.up:
            return "up"
        case Direction.down:
            return "down"
        case _:
            raise AssertionError(f"Unhandled direction {direction}")

If you add a new direction, you will not be notified about handle_direction not handling the new direction until you hit it at runtime (hopefully by adding a test, not by your code breaking in the wild!). Alternatively, the check can be handled by the type checker; it’s called exhaustiveness checking:

from typing_extensions import assert_never  # typing in 3.11+

def handle_direciton(direction: Direction) -> str:
    if direction == Direction.up:
        return "up"
    if direction == Direction.down:
        return "down"
from typing_extensions import assert_never  # typing in 3.11+

def handle_direction(direction: Direction) -> str:
    match direction:
        case Direction.up:
            return "up"
        case Direction.down:
            return "down"
        case _:

The way this works is that assert_never takes Never as an input type. The Never input type is an empty (fully narrowed) union. If the thing you give it has not been fully narrowed, it will be a typing error. (It also throws a runtime error for you similar to the one we used above). Now your type checker will immediately notify you if you add an item to Direction but forget to update the usage!

Historical note

The implementation of NoReturn, the type for a function that never makes it to a return statement, is also an empty union, so in the past this was how we could implement this feature:

from typing import NoReturn

Never = NoReturn

def assert_never(val: Never) -> NoReturn:
    assert False, f"Unhandled value: {value} ({type(value).__name__})"

The actual Never return type gives a better type checker error, so it’s nice that it’s directly available now.

Structural subtyping#

We’ve already covered inheritance and ABCs. Now let’s cover a different form, called structural subtyping, that fixes several shortcomings of inheritance. Namely, we lost modularity when we stared forcing inheritance structures. Structural subtyping trades code reuse for modularity. In Python, it’s called a Protocol. C++ calls it Concepts. Java called it Interfaces. In essence, it’s formalized duck typing.

Rust implements partial parametric polymorphism as Traits, which is somewhat similar but more explicit and controlled.


Let’s look at the following function:

def f(x) -> None:

What is the type of x? If I haven’t spoiled your Python duck typing sense yet by the previous sections, hopefully you’ll answer “something that has do_something()[1] or “anything that has do_something()”. Up until now, we’ve been trading Python duck typing for known types. But we don’t have to! Let’s just formalize what we have:

from typing import Protocol

class DoesSomething(Protocol):
    def do_something(self) -> None: ...

def f(x: DoesSomething) -> None:

Like before, the ... is the actual syntax; Protocols have no bodies. Any class that has a .do_something() method that matches this signature can be passed to this function! We now have duck typing that MyPy can utilize.

In C++20, adding concepts a huge win for compiler error messages on templated code. It allows the compiler to instantly quit and tell the user exactly what is required, rather than producing a massive bunch of unreadable error messages at the first place an error is encountered inside the function (and this can be nested, making it really hard to see where you broke an unspecified assumption). It’s also a much easier and more readable way of doing overloads on templated arguments in C++20.

Most things available for classes (methods, members, properties, settable properties, etc.) are available. You just leave all bodies as ....

Runtime protocols#

You can make protocols runtime checkable, as well:

import typing

class DoesSomething(Protocol):
    def do_something(self) -> None: ...

assert isinstance(MyThing, DoesSomething)

This will pass if MyThing has a do_something method. Unlike the static version, this will only check for the existence of that method; it will not check the type signature (it’s a runtime construct, after all).

If you use a hasattr(x, "do_something") pattern, a runtime checkable Protocol can replace it and type checkers will correctly narrow as well. Though if it is a performance critical section of code, the runtime_checkable Protocol is a little slower that then hasattr and a type: ignore comment until Python 3.12.

Verifying a Protocol#

Notice the main difference between a Protocol and an ABC is that you are required to inherit from the ABC (subtyping), while the Protocol simply requires the structure of the class to look like a subtype of the Protocol. You can explicitly inherit from the Protocol if you want to, but there’s not much reason to - a better method that doesn’t require the Protocol to be present at runtime is:

class MyDoesSomething:
    def do_something(self) -> None:

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    _: DoesSomething = typing.cast(MyDoesSomething, None)

There’s a bit to unpack in the last line, so let’s go over it left to right. We are putting the cast inside a guard block that only the type checker will analyze; it is skipped at runtime. We are making a variable, but we don’t care about it, so we name it _, a convention for return values you don’t need later. Then we tell the type checker this is going to be the desired Protocol. We then assign an instance of our class to this variable that is typed as the Protocol; if the type checker can’t perform the cast, we didn’t successfully implement the Protocol with MyDoesSomething. The typing.cast takes a value (just None in this case) and tells the type checker to treat it like MyDoesSomething. None is used to avoid constructing the class - there’s no constructor involved here. In this example, we could have just used MyDoesSomething() instead.

Note that we couldn’t use assert isinstance, which would require @runtime_checkable (even in a TYPE_CHECKING block) or typing.assert_type, which will only check exact type equivalence, not structural subtypes.

Standard ABC’s#

There are a large number of standard protocols in Python. These were initially added to typing, but were merged with once runtime generics were added to the standard library in Python 3.9. You can import them from either place if you use Python 3.9+ or the annotations import. These are both ABCs and Protocols; if you subclass from them, you can sometimes get a few free mix-in methods[2]; if you don’t, you have to implement all of the required methods.

Here are some of the most useful ones - a full list including required methods is in the Python docs:

  • Iterable[T]: This is something that can be iterated over (has __iter__)

  • Iterator[T]: This is something that is being iterated (has __next__)

  • Sized: Something that has a __len__.

  • Collection[T]: This can be iterated over and is Sized.

  • Sequence[T]: This is a Collection with random access, like list or tuple.

  • MutableSequence[T]: Basically a list. Why are you mutating input arguments, though?

  • Generator[T, None, None]: This is what a yield function returns. It can also be written as Iterator[T], but this is not quite correct.

  • Mapping[K, V]: Something that acts like a dict.

  • Callable[[Args, ...], RetValue]: Something that is callable, like a function.

  • Set[T] A set or frozenset, or similar.

As a general rule: accept the most generic type possible, and _return the most specific type. For example:

from import Sequence, Sized

def match_ints(a: Sequence[int], b: Sized) -> list[int]:
    return list(a[: len(b)])

This function takes two lists and returns the first list sliced to match the second list. By using generics, we can also swap these lists out for things like tuples or user defined classes with the right special methods. We always return a list, so we stay as specific as possible in the return.

(Remember you need the future import or Python 3.9+)

More about generics#


You’ve seen overload, which lets you change the output type based on the input type. One very common use case is passing though a type. For example, take the trivial function:

def f(x):
    return x

How would you type this? You want to tell the type checker the output type is the same as the input type. This is done using TypeVar or the built-in syntax in Python 3.12. Note this syntax does not work on earlier versions of Python, even if from __future__ import annotations is used, since it’s new syntax and not an annotation.

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T")

def f(x: T) -> T:
    return x
def f[T](x: T) -> T:
    return x

TypeVar’s do not hold a type by themselves. They always occur at least once in the input of a of function. They may occur multiple times, or in the output, but they must occur in the input, since that’s how they are bound to a type. Above, when you call f, T will have the type you of the variable you called f with. So the above will pass through any types. You can use this as an argument to generics, as well:

def make_a_list(*args: T) -> list[T]:
    return list(args)

def default_construct(cls: type[T]) -> T:
    return cls()

TypeVar’s have a few other options. You can use bound= to force them to only bind to a type or its subclasses (it picks the most specific possible) - unions are also supported. You can constrain to a preset collection of types, and it will only match those types exactly.

Custom Generics#

Another use for TypeVar is for creating custom Generic classes. Let’s say you wanted to make a custom container that holds arbitrary types, called MyList. Here’s how you’d do it:

class MyList(Generic[T]):
    def __init__(self, items: Iterable[T]) -> None:
        self.items = list(items)

    def append(self, element: T) -> None:


This will then be usable as MyList[int], for example.

Contravariant or Covariant TypeVar? (advanced)#

You can also specify covariant=True or contravariant=True when you make a TypeVar; this changes the invariance of a generic type. Simple TL;DR solution: if the type checker tells you to add one of these, add it.

The longer explanation is based on parents and children. If you have an inheritance diagram A -> B -> C and your TypeVar T resolves to B, what is also allowed? If nothing is allowed except B, your TypeVar is invariant (the default). If you do allow children, then your TypeVar needs to be covariant and *_co is recommended for the name. If you allow parents, then it is contravariant, and *_contra is recommended for the name.

Unions are covariant. B | None would also accept C.

Lists (generally anything mutable) are invariant. If you have a list[B], it is invalid to append either A or C to it.

The Python 3.12 syntax will use the correct settings for the situation. You often have to specify this yourself otherwise (the type checker will help you, though).


A special, very common need is to return a type that is related to self. There’s a very easy way to do it in typing_extensions (and typing in Python 3.11).

The “chaining” pattern is a common use case, as are factory methods (classmethods). Here’s how you’d do it:

Self = TypeVar("Self", bound="Vector")

class Vector:
    x: float
    y: float

    def origin(cls: type[Self]) -> Self:
        return cls(0, 0)

    def inplace_unit(self: Self) -> Self:
        mag = (self.x**2 + self.y**2) ** 0.5
        self.x /= mag
        self.y /= mag
        return self
from typing import Self  # or typing_extensions before 3.11

class Vector:
    x: float
    y: float

    def origin(cls) -> Self:
        return cls(0, 0)

    def inplace_unit(self) -> Self:
        mag = (self.x**2 + self.y**2) ** 0.5
        self.x /= mag
        self.y /= mag
        return self

Notice with the manual version, we ideally should bind the TypeVar to the class, so it’s not reusable (new TypeVar for each class), and we have to annotate self or cls so the TypeVar will be usable.

Note: don’t just return "Vector". That will be incorrect if someone subclasses Vector.

Going further#

If you fully statically type your codebase, then you can try mypyc. This compiles your Python into a compiled language and can give you a speed boost, ranging from 2-5x. This is used on MyPy itself, and on the black code formatter. Results may vary, and it’s not as fast as normal compiled code, but it could be very useful and basically free once you are statically typed.