Introductions and motivation#


The importance of software engineering in scientific computing#

It’s really easy to learn to code. In fact, it’s easier to write code than read code. Often this leads to the desire to rewrite legacy codebases instead of deciphering what the original author intended. Since a main goal of good software engineering is to reuse code, this is clearly wasteful! Good code is easy to read, always strive for readability.

What does someone working on code spend time on? Rewriting code that others have already written. The action of rewriting code to improve its readability or performance without changing how it operates is commonly called refactoring. Other reasons to rewrite code is because it didn’t scale or was not flexible enough. It also can feel like you spend a lot of time debugging. Lots of painful debugging. Having strong unit tests and using version control can simplify or eliminate some debugging problems.

There are a lot of tools, practices, and techniques available to help you read other people’s code, write code that others can read (including yourself in six months), manage scale and flexibility, and make debugging easier.

But deadlines get in the way. Your PI cares about results, not how maintainable your codebase is. Learning new tools to accelerate your development doesn’t fit into tight schedules or isn’t seen as necessary at the beginning of a project. Frequently, a small script will morph and evolve into a full codebase without much planning or design. It’s much easier just to get something working than study design principles. You pay the price in the end, when trying to publish, distribute, or replicate your results.

This course aims to fix that by providing a structured introduction to common, useful tools and practices.

Some important overarching concepts#

  • Version control

  • Testing and debugging

  • Continuous integration

  • Packaging and distribution

  • Design principles

  • Compiled code

  • Performance

Over the course, we will go over these concepts. Missing from the above list: how to code (you should already know the basics, like loops, functions, and such, in at least one language). Also, we won’t cover specific algorithms, which is enough for its own course.

Also, we will be using Python for the first 2/3 of the course, followed by a compiled language. The specific language doesn’t matter that much, but you have to pick one, and Python is an excellent choice. It’s one of the most widely used languages, the one you are statistically the most likely to already be familiar with, and one of the best “teaching” languages (as it was actually developed based on a language specifically designed for teaching, the “ABC” language).

We will be working with a lot of specific tooling, but the concepts are general; if you are working in a different language, just find the matching tooling for that language. Again, we have to pick something, but once you know the concepts, you can find similar tools in almost any language.

Problem-solution ordering#

Problem-solution ordering is a problem for many courses, but is especially true for Software Engineering.

The classic example of problem-solution ordering is in game design. Let’s say you design a tutorial level that teaches players about locked doors. You give them a key, then they open a door that is unlocked by that key. Assuming players now know how to open locked doors, you put a locked door in a real level - and players have no idea how to open it; they don’t know to go look for a key. Why? Because they didn’t encounter the locked door before they picked up the key, so they don’t know that it was the key that made the door open. (The “key” and the “door” could be any cause and effect relationship.)

This occurs in a lot of fields, like math. How do you convince someone who hasn’t needed math yet that it’s a useful skill to learn?

This is what we face in Software Engineering. If you’ve never had to collaborate with others or manage a large software project, you might not see why “git” is worth learning. If you haven’t spent days or weeks trying to track down a hard-to-find bug, you might not get why you should spend time learning a debugger or unit testing your code. If you’ve never had a compiler catch a bug that would have been disastrous at runtime, you might not recognize the usefulness of static typing. If you’ve never had a memory leak or segfault, you might not see why it’s worth effort to design with memory safety in mind. And so on.

We’ll try to motivate what we do, but the best motivator is experience and exposure to the “simple” way to do things and its shortcomings; then you will understand why the more advanced method was created.

New features are restrictions#

Each new concept in programming restricts rather than enables. When we go further into topics like functional programming, this will continue to be the case. This is odd but true: we could write any program with a very small set of constructs; very simple languages are Turing Complete. However, the most important feature of programming is organization (also called design).

Compare this hypothetical pseudo-code:

i = 0
label start
i = i + 1
if i < 10: goto start

Versus real code:

for i in range(10):

Now imagine a complex program with thousands of goto statements; you would have to work through every line of code to understand it. But if you restrict yourself to common structures, like loops, objects, functions, etc., you no longer have to look at the whole program, but just smaller, digestible parts.

Everyone learning a language will know what these common constructs are. No one will know what your special constructs are.

Course structure#

The challenges of this course:

  • Often introducing solutions before problems

  • Large variance in the audience in terms of skill and background

  • Good coding basics rarely taught elsewhere


I’d like to know who you are and what you are interested in! Let’s do a round of introductions. Suggested topics:

  • Name

  • Field of study

  • Preferred programming Language(s)

  • A project you are working on or want to work on