Programming/style general practices#



Use helpful comments. Examples of bad comments:

# Multiply x by two and store it in y
y = 2 * x

# Then we do this
z = 3 * x

A comment should help the reader understand something in the code that they can’t easily get from reading the code. If you are just describing what the code does, that’s probably bad unless it’s a tricky expression. If you are describing why the code does it, that’s much better. Always strive for self documenting code by using small, well named functions with any implementation details in the function description or docstring.

Beware that comments can lie. Code may be modified without updating a comment or do something completely different. Comments are what the developer wants to happen (or wanted to at some point), code is the truth.

Another bad comment: commented out code. Commented out code will quickly become outdated, and is not helpful to the reader. If you are using VCS, old versions of code are saved in your git history. Make every line count!

Examples of good comments:

# The following workaround is required because ...

# Here we are going to compute ... (followed by a block of complex code)

Variable names#

If you select reasonable names, you can often make the code itself read like comments. Compare:

# Compute the volume using width x depth x height
v = w * d * h


volume = width * depth * height

One letter variables / short variables are fine as long as they are used close to the definition. If it’s more than a line or two, try to be (reasonably) descriptive.

Some strict style guides recommend one-letter variables only as loop indices. While short variable or function names may seem efficient, you will typically read a name about 10-100x more than you write it. The additional mental strain of decoding variables can limit overall code readability.

Follow conventions#

A programming language has conventions for naming and various idioms; try to follow them whenever possible. For example, naming in Python & C++:

  • Variable: snake_case

  • Global constant: ALL_CAPS

  • Function: snake_case

  • Class: CamelCase

  • Hidden / Not Public: _underscore

  • Built-in (Python only): __dunder__

If you are in a language that uses a different convention (lowerCamelCase, also known as dromedaryCase, for example), follow what is used in that language.

For C and C++, you should loop from 0 to 1-len:

// Good
for (i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    /* do some stuff */

// Bad
for (i=1; i <= 10; i++) {
    /* do some stuff */

Why? Because it’s conventional, and a C++ programmer will have to think less about the loop if they see the form they are used to. This is the same in Python:

for i in range(10):
    ...  # i goes from 0 to 9

In a different language, like Matlab, the conventions may be different; follow the conventions of the language you are using.

Be consistent#

Clean   formatting helps  you process     things quickly. We   use     consistent style   so that readers     can   focus on   content, rather than     on how things are    written. The human brain interprets style differences as meaningful, adding cognitive load to future readers (including you). Avoid it!

For Python, style is described in PEP 8, and the most popular autoformatter is Black (or Ruff, which has a similar style but is faster, as it’s written in Rust). I’d highly recommend sticking to that style if you don’t have strong preferences otherwise. For C++, there are more to choose from - pick one and be consistent. LLVM’s styling is good. Again, styling can be enforced by tools like clang-format. We’ll cover those sorts of things later.

def f(x, y):
    return x**2 + y

Notice the style:

  • One space between constructs

  • Four space indent

  • Power operator ** doesn’t need spaces for simple expressions

The function signature as a contract#

A function’s signature should be a contract between the function implementer (you) and the function user (might also be you). Something like this:

output1, output2, ... = function(input1, input2, ...)

This is not always possible though, depending on the language and situation. The things to avoid, and some reasons you can’t in some situations:

Argument mutation#

You generally should not mutate an argument. This can even sneak in when you are writing Python where you don’t expect it. Take the following function:

def add_end_to_list(x=[]):
    return x

This might do what you expect at first:

my_list = ["start"]

But check the contents of my_list afterwards. Even better, try running it with the default argument (add_to_list()) and see what it returns.

Due to the above, it’s a convention in Python to never use a mutable structure (we’ll discuss mutation in detail in a few weeks) like a list or a dict for an argument default. Unless you really have to, you should also avoid mutating an input argument. Here is a better version of the above function:

def add_end_to_list(x=()):
    return [*x, "end"]

If you do need to mutate arguments, it should be well documented and clear as possible from the function and argument names. Usually you should not return the list

def append_end_to_list(x=None):
    x_list = x or []

Now, since it doesn’t return anything, a user is more likely to be aware that it’s mutating the input. They are much less likely to assume the output is an independent variable (since there is no usable output, it’s just None).

Also, by the way, the default version of this function no longer even makes sense, since you don’t have access to it after the function runs; this further reduces the potential for mistakes and confusion.

def append_end_to_list(x):

Multiple outputs#

If your language supports it (C++11 partially, C++17, Rust, Python, etc), then use multiple outputs over mutating inputs. Some languages (C) do not support multiple outputs, so the only option for those languages is to ask a user to make an empty variable and then fill it via passing it as an argument.

Outer-scope capture#

Python has automatic variable capture[1] from outer scope. In C++ lambda functions, you have to explicitly list variables you want to capture, but Python hides this. This makes this a common source of errors and makes reading the code much harder! There are a few rare cases where you do need this, but it should be reserved for functions with short bodies and written in such a way to make it obvious you need capture. And also consider functools.partial, which not only advertises the intent to capture to the reader, but actually captures the value when it is created, rather than when it is called later.

# Bad
x = 2

def f():

x = 3
# Better
x = 2

def f_needs_x(x_value):

f = functools.partial(f_needs_x, x)
x = 3

Remember, the signature of a function is not just for Python, it’s telling the reader what the function expects and what it returns. Capture causes the function to lie to the reader about what it expects and/or what it changes.

Avoid a bajillion parameters/function arguments#

What do you think of this code?

def simulate_plasma(
    x_i, v_i, t_i, t_f, E_i, B_i, N, result_array, printflag
): ...  # do some stuff

This has a lot of parameters, making it hard to use / easy to misuse. In Python, you can pass parameters by name, which helps (you can even force it), which helps. In C++, you can only pass positionally.

Some helpful hints:

  • Try to make functions do one thing, and do it well (more on this below)

  • Bundle data into composite data types when possible.

Here’s an example of bundling. Let’s take a simpler example:

def get_rect_area(x1, y1, x2, y2): ...  # does stuff

get_rect_area(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Someone calling the function could easily make a mistake: get_rect_area(x1, x2, y1, y1) for example. However, if you bundle this:

def get_rect_area(point_1, point_2): ...  # does stuff

get_rect_area(Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2))

Now it’s much harder to misuse. What is Point, though? It can be something like a dataclass or a NamedTuple (or a struct or tuple in C++). We’ll cover these topics when we get to object oriented programming. It may even make sense to create a rectangle object with the method get_area with no arguments.

Think about designing the interface to code; how functions are called and used.

Think in terms of creating tools, not accomplishing tasks#

Scientists and engineers untrained in coding tend to write code that looks like a to-do list. It is very “pipeline-y”: do this, then do this other thing, then do that. That’s natural, and normal, but it’s a narrow view: you are the user, and the code as a whole is providing you a service, namely repeating monotonous tasks for you in a certain order.

With experience, you start to pick up a different view: pieces of code can be users, too… of other pieces of code. In a given context, one code is providing the service, while the other uses that service. And you as the human may only request service from a couple of very “high-level” pieces of code, which in turn execute the details of their tasks by making service requests of other pieces of code, without you the top-level user needing to worry about the details.

This way of thinking becomes the driving force behind good code design, and we can think of a several sub-ideas under this umbrella.

“pipeline-y” code does have its place; the final layer of code (driver code), workflow automation scripts, utility scripts for your operating system, etc.

DRY code is good. WET code is bad.#

DRY = Don’t Repeat Yourself

WET = Write Everything Twice (or more times)

Once you find yourself writing the same essential code more than one time in more than one place, it’s time to promote that chunk of code from the status of a task to the status of a reusable tool. Make it a function, or its own data type, something – but don’t just keep repeating the same task. Abstract away the essentials.

If you don’t bundle your code and keep it in one place, you can’t reuse it. Maintainability is a nightmare if the code lives in more than one place. You will make a change in one place where those instructions live, but not in another. It’ll happen.

A rule I’ve seen is never, never write anything three times. Try to avoid twice too, but don’t panic if you have something twice. Very rarely, it’s worth duplicating something once just to avoid major shenanigans to have a single source of truth.

As a side effect, DRY code promotes having smaller functions, which are easier to understand, test and refactor. Everything has a single, tested source of truth.


Break code into chunks, and have each chunk do one thing. Try not to mix tasks within the same code unit that are logically orthogonal to one another.

Think more in terms of interfaces, less in terms of implementation.

A mechanic provides you with a service when your car breaks. To do her job, she has to rely on a host of other services: parts vendors, her tools, the hydraulic lift in her garage. You don’t care about the details of how she does her job – you just know car goes in, money goes in, car comes back in 3 days.

How you doing your job is the implementation – code that provides a service knows how it’s implemented, but code that uses a service shouldn’t know or care.

What is the job you do and what do I need to give you so you can do it is the interface. This is the only thing the users of code should care about. It is a contract.

In this class, we will gradually learn to think and design in terms of reusable tools and their interfaces, so that higher-level code can use lower-level code via that interface without worrying about implementation details (which the low-level code can change, without breaking high-level code — you get easier extensibility).

Key concept: To the extent possible, decouple code that provides a service from code that uses the service. Don’t rely on a specific implementation, as that could change.

Odds and ends#

Optimize code only late in the game#

Prioritize making your code clean and correct. Only try to make it fast if you think it is too slow. Why? Because you’ll almost certainly guess wrong about where (and why) your code is slow or inefficient, and complicate it needlessly.

Memory is cheap. Disk space is cheap. CPU cycles are cheap. Your time is expensive. If you are being wasteful, but your code runs in 2 seconds, does what you want, and it’s not interfering with anyone else’s work, then who cares? Let the computer do the work.

“Premature optimization is the root of all evil.” –popularized by Donald Knuth, the creator of TeX

Avoid global variables#

Global variables are quantities that all the code in your system can see and alter. As code becomes more complex, you’ll eventually find that one code unit did something to a variable that it shouldn’t have, and now your other code units are suffering.

These bugs are very hard to track down.

Make your variable local in scope (i.e. only the function in which they’re active can modify them). It simplifies testing and is less error prone. Local variables are easier to understand since you don’t have to jump to different parts of a file or project to see what the variable is.

There are some exceptions to this, but it’s a decent rule of thumb.

Global constants are generally ok. For instance, you probably want to define PI once and let all your code reference it (that’s more DRY).

Guard pattern#

There’s a rule in some style checkers that states the following:

After a control flow statement (return, break, continue, or raise), else or elif is not allowed.

Since code execution ends after a control flow statement, it doesn’t make sense to have an else or elif statement; you can’t continue past this to the lower blocks anyway. While there can be some debate about this if universally forced, it’s important to keep in mind, and strongly favors a specific pattern, called the guard pattern. It looks like this:

def square_function(x):
    if x is None:
        return None

    return x**2

The “guard” is the code on top. You can have multiple guards. In general, the “happy path” of execution, the one where the guards don’t trigger, is last, and all the “checks” to see if the code can progress on the happy path are first.

By using this, you can reduce nesting and dangling else’s (an else that occurs far away from the above if). Nested code is harder to read, since you have to mentally keep track of where you are in the nesting.