16. Pandas: DataFrames for Python#

Python is a general purpose language. It doesn’t have to be better than a specialized language, it just has to have a good enough library - it is better at all the other parts, like dealing with files, CLI/GUI, etc.

DataFrames (well known from R) are like Excel spreadsheets in Python. (In fact, it can open Excel files). They are for structured data. If a NumPy axis has a meaning you want to assign a name to, it’s probably structured.

import pandas as pd

We could make a DataFrame by hand, most most of the time you’ll load them from various data sources. So let’s make a CSV:

%%writefile tmp.csv
id,                version, os,    arch
cp37-macos_arm64,  3.7,     macos, arm64
cp38-macos_arm64,  3.8,     macos, arm64
cp39-macos_arm64,  3.9,     macos, arm64
cp37-macos_x86_64, 3.7,     macos, x86_64
cp38-macos_x86_64, 3.8,     macos, x86_64
cp39-macos_x86_64, 3.9,     macos, x86_64
Writing tmp.csv

By default, pandas can read it, and even nicely format something for your screen:

id version os arch
0 cp37-macos_arm64 3.7 macos arm64
1 cp38-macos_arm64 3.8 macos arm64
2 cp39-macos_arm64 3.9 macos arm64
3 cp37-macos_x86_64 3.7 macos x86_64
4 cp38-macos_x86_64 3.8 macos x86_64
5 cp39-macos_x86_64 3.9 macos x86_64

There are lots of powerful tools when reading and for later cleanup; let’s do a better job of importing.

df = pd.read_csv(
    dtype={"os": "category", "arch": "category"},
version os arch
cp37-macos_arm64 3.7 macos arm64
cp38-macos_arm64 3.8 macos arm64
cp39-macos_arm64 3.9 macos arm64
cp37-macos_x86_64 3.7 macos x86_64
cp38-macos_x86_64 3.8 macos x86_64
cp39-macos_x86_64 3.9 macos x86_64
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 6 entries, cp37-macos_arm64 to cp39-macos_x86_64
Data columns (total 3 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------   --------------  -----   
 0   version  6 non-null      float64 
 1   os       6 non-null      category
 2   arch     6 non-null      category
dtypes: category(2), float64(1)
memory usage: 132.0+ bytes

We can query columns (or anything else):

cp37-macos_arm64     macos
cp38-macos_arm64     macos
cp39-macos_arm64     macos
cp37-macos_x86_64    macos
cp38-macos_x86_64    macos
cp39-macos_x86_64    macos
Name: os, dtype: category
Categories (1, object): ['macos']

For simple names, columns can be even easier to access:

cp37-macos_arm64      arm64
cp38-macos_arm64      arm64
cp39-macos_arm64      arm64
cp37-macos_x86_64    x86_64
cp38-macos_x86_64    x86_64
cp39-macos_x86_64    x86_64
Name: arch, dtype: category
Categories (2, object): ['arm64', 'x86_64']

You have quick, easy access to lots of analysis tools:


You can select using a variety of methods, including NumPy style boolean arrays:

df[df.arch == "arm64"]
version os arch
cp37-macos_arm64 3.7 macos arm64
cp38-macos_arm64 3.8 macos arm64
cp39-macos_arm64 3.9 macos arm64

The powerful groupby lets you collect and analyze with ease. For example, to compute the mean for each possible arch:

/tmp/ipykernel_3017/2548900133.py:1: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning.
arm64     3.8
x86_64    3.8
Name: version, dtype: float64

Pandas pioneered a lot of DSL (Domain Specific Language) for Python, taking over the Python language to keep things simple and consistent within DataFrames. For example, it provides accessors, like the .str accessor, that apply normal methods to a series instead:

cp37-macos_arm64      ARM64
cp38-macos_arm64      ARM64
cp39-macos_arm64      ARM64
cp37-macos_x86_64    X86_64
cp38-macos_x86_64    X86_64
cp39-macos_x86_64    X86_64
Name: arch, dtype: object

This is just scratching the surface. Besides manipulating these dataframes and series, Pandas also offers:

  • Fantastic date manipulation, including holidays, work weeks, and more

  • Great periodic tools, rolling calculations, and more

Great Pandas, like vectorized NumPy, can be a little hard to write, taking a few iterations, but once you have it written, it is easy to read and very expressive.

16.1. More reading#

See this notebook than analyze COVID data that runs daily on my website: https://iscinumpy.gitlab.io/post/johns-hopkins-covid/