10. Static Type Hinting#

# Small local extension
%load_ext save_and_run

10.1. Basics#

The most exciting thing happening right now in Python development is static typing. Since Python 3.0, we’ve had function annotations, and since 3.6, variable annotations. In 3.5, we got a “typing” library, which provides tools to describe types. You’ve already seen me using type hints:

def f(x: int) -> int:
    return x * 5

You might have been asking yourself, what does that do? Does it limit what I can use here?

['hi', 'hi', 'hi', 'hi', 'hi']

No. It does nothing at runtime, except store the object. And in the upcoming Python 3.11 or 3.12 (or 3.7+ with from __future__ import annotations), it doesn’t even store the actual object, just the string you type here, so then anything that can pass the Python parser is allowed here.

It is not useless though! For one, it helps the reader. Knowing the types expected really gives you a much better idea of what is going on and what you can do and can’t do.

But the key goal is: static type checking! There are a collection of static type checkers, the most “official” and famous of which is MyPy. You can think of this as the “compiler” for compiled languages like C++; it checks to make sure you are not lying about the types. For example:

%%save_and_run mypy
def f(x: int) -> int:
    return x * 5

tmp.py:4: error: Argument 1 to "f" has incompatible type "list[str]"; expected "int"  [arg-type]
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

There we go! And, most importantly, we didn’t have to run any code to see this error! Your tests cannot test every possible branch, every line of code. MyPy can (though it doesn’t by default, due to gradual typing). You may have code that runs rarely, that requires remote resources, that is slow, etc. All those can be checked by MyPy. It also keeps you (too?) truthful in your types.

10.1.1. Catching an error#

Let’s see an example of an error that MyPy can catch:

%%save_and_run mypy
from __future__ import annotations  # Python 3.7+

def f(x: int | None) -> int | None:
    return x * 5

tmp.py:5: error: Unsupported operand types for * ("None" and "int")  [operator]
tmp.py:5: note: Left operand is of type "int | None"
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

Your test suite may have forgotten to run with a None input. You may not run into None often, until you are in a critical situation. But MyPy can find it and tell you there’s a logic issue, your function cannot take None like it claims it can.

10.1.2. Adding types#

There are three ways to add types.

  1. They can be inline as annotations. Best for Python 3 code, usually.

  2. They can be in special “type comments”. Required mostly for Python 2 code, and still requires the proper imports (one reason why the packaging section is so important, depending on libraries like backports is important).

  3. They can be in a separate file with the same name but with a .pyi extension. This is important for type stubs or for cases where you don’t want to add imports or touch the original code. You can annotate compiled files or libraries you don’t control this way.

If you have a library you don’t control, you can add “type stubs” for it, then give MyPy your stubs directory. MyPy will pull the types from your stubs. If you are writing code for a Raspberry Pi, for example, you could add the stubs for the Pi libraries, and then validate your code, without ever even installing the Pi-only libraries!

10.1.3. Configuration#

By default, MyPy does as little as possible, so that you can add it iteratively to a code base. By default:

  • All untyped variables and return values will be Any

  • Code inside untyped functions is not checked at all

You can add configuration to pyproject.toml (and a little bit to the files themselves), or you can go all the way and pass --strict, which will turn on everything.

For a library to support typing, it has to a) add types using any of the three methods, and b) add a py.typed empty file to indicate that it’s okay to look for types inside it. MyPy also looks in typeshed, which is a library full of type hints for (mostly) the standard library.

Third party libraries that are typed sometimes forget this last step, by the way!

Personally, I recommend using pre-commit to run all your checks except pytest (and that only because it’s likely slow), and including MyPy in your pre-commit testing. Try to turn on as much as possible, and increase it until you can run with full strict checking.

10.1.4. Other features#

Static typing has some great features worth checking out:

  • Unions (New syntax in Python 3.10)

  • Generic Types (New syntax in Python 3.9)

  • Protocols

  • Literals

  • TypedDict

  • Nicer NamedTuple definition (very popular in Python 3 code)

  • MyPy validates the Python version you ask for

10.2. Extended example#

Here’s the classic syntax, which you need to use if support 3.6+.

%%save_and_run mypy --strict
from typing import Union, List

# Generic types take bracket arguments
def f(x: int) -> List[int]:
    return list(range(x))

# Unions are a list of types that all could be allowed
def g(x: Union[str, int]) -> None:
    # Type narrowing - Unions get narrowed
    if isinstance(x, str):
        print("string", x.lower())
        print("int", x)
    # Calling x.lower() is invalid here!
Success: no issues found in 1 source file

With from __future__ import annotations in Python 3.7, annotations no longer get evaluated at runtime, and so this is valid on Python 3.7 and MyPy!

%%save_and_run mypy --strict
from __future__ import annotations

def f(x: int) -> list[int]:
    return list(range(x))

def g(x: str | int) -> None:
    if isinstance(x, str):
        print("string", x.lower())
        print("int", x)
Success: no issues found in 1 source file

Notice that I didn’t even have to import anything from typing! Note that you cannot use the “new” syntax in non annotation locations (like unions in isinstance) until Python supports it.

You can use the above in earlier Python versions if you use strings.

When run alongside a good linter like flake8, this can catch a huge number of issues before tests or they are discovered in the wild! It also prompts better design, because you are thinking about how types work and interact. It’s also more readable, since if I give you code like this:

def compute(timestamp):

You don’t know “what” timestamp is. Is it an int? A float? An object? With types, you’ll know what I was intending to give you. You can use type aliases to really give expressive names here!

10.3. Protocols#

One of the best features of MyPy is support for structural subtyping via Protocols - formalized duck-typing, basically. This allows cross library interoperability, unlike traditional inheritance. Here’s how it works:

from typing import Protocol

class Duck(Protocol):
    def quack(self) -> str:

Yes, the ... is actually part of the code here; it’s conventional to use it instead of pass for typing.

Now any object that can “quack” (and return a string) is a Duck. We can even add @runtime_checkable which will allow us to check this (minus the types) at runtime in isinstance. So now we can design code like this:

def pester_duck(a_duck: Duck) -> None:

And the type checker will ensure we only write code valid on all “Duck”s. And, we can write a duck implementation and test it like this:

class MyDuck:
    def quack() -> str:
        return "quack"

This will pass a check for being a Duck, for example something like this:

import typing

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    _: Duck = typing.cast(MyDuck, None)

Notice the complete lack of dependencies here. We don’t need MyDuck to write pester_duck, or vice-versa. And, we don’t even need Duck to write either one at runtime! The dependence on Duck for pester_duck is entirely a type-check-time dependence (unless we want to use a runtime_checkable powered isinstance).

There are lots of built-in Protocols, most of which pre-date typing and are available in an Abstract Base Class form. Most of them check for one or more special methods, like Iterable, Iterator, etc.