
Static Typing


To keep the slides simples, I will assume the following imports:

import typing

Static typing

  • What is the best thing about Python? No explicit typing

  • What is the worst thing about Python? No explicit typing

Static typing

  • What is the best thing about Python? No explicit typing

    • Easy to read a little code
    • Easier to learn
  • What is the worst thing about Python? No explicit typing

    • Hard to read a larger codebase
    • Breakage always happens at runtime
    • Lots of pitfalls even with good tests (like forgetting None)

Optional static typing

Python has been gaining optional static typing!

def times_three(x: float) -> float:
    return x * 3

What happens when we do this:


Optional static typing (2)

Python doesn't care about type annotations! Some are accessible to libraries, but using that is not as common.

How do you use the type annotations? With a type checker!

  • MyPy: The original type checker, from the CPython authors.
  • PyRight: Microsoft's type checker. Powers PyLance in VSCode.
  • PyRE: Meta's type checker, written for Instagram. In OCaml.
  • PyType: Google's type checker with inference. Python + UNIX.
  • PyCharm also has a built-in one.

Why study this?

  • Final step toward compiled languages
  • Type checker is basically a compiler (that doesn't compile)
  • MyPyC actually can compile, by the way
  • Valuable skill in Python, too!

We can study types, generics, Protocols, etc. All without leaving Python!

Runtime usage

  • Type annotations are evaluated & stored on class/module/function
  • Type annotations are thrown away inside functions
  • A string is identical to it's evaluated contents
  • If you from __future__ import annotations (Python 3.7), then unevaluated strings are stored instead

Some libraries that use runtime annotations are Pydantic and beartype. They should still be types, though.

The stdlib uses them in a couple of places (dataclasses look for typing.ClassVar and single dispatch can use them)


Run MyPy with:


You can also use pre-commit, nox, etc.

This is "gradual" typing. You can enable strict mode:

mypy --strict

Demo: Optional example

MyPy is great at checking for None handling. See if you can spot the error in MyPy can!

Revealing the type

You can use reveal_type(x) or typing.reveal_type(x) (newer versions of Python) like a type-checker "print" statement.

Ignoring errors

You can ignore errors with type: ignore statements!

x: str = f()
x.nonexistent()  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

Lying about types

You can lie about typing in Python, since it's not actually using them.

Doesn't work in a compiled language!

But a useful escape hatch sometimes, or a way to deprecate code.

Typing basics

# Variable annotation (3.6+)
x: int = 2

# No assignment is allowed ("declaration")
y: int

# Function annotation
def f(x: int) -> int:
    return x

# Class annotations
class X:
    a: int  # Declares instance variable, use typing.ClassVar otherwise

Basic types

Note you don't need types if they can be inferred.

a: int = 1
b: str = "hi"
c: bytes = b"hi"
d: float = 1.0
e: complex = 1 + 1j
f: bool = True
g: None = None  # is it's own type

Catchall types

from typing import Any

x: Any = could_return_anything()  # Everything valid
y: object = could_return_anything()  # Nothing assumed

Operations on object are restricted to only things that work on all objects (like str(y)).

Any is an escape hatch allowing a mix of static and dynamic code.


Generics are parametrized types. Python has several built-in:

a: list[int] = [1, 2, 3]
b: tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 2, 3)
c: tuple[int, ...] = (1, 2, 3)
d: dict[str, int] = {"one": 1, "two": 2}

Lists have a single parameter, the type the list holds. Tuples either take one parameter each, or have a .... And dicts take one for the key and one for the value.


w: int | str = "hi"  # Either string or int
x: list[int | str] = [1, "hi"]  # Mix of strings and ints
y: list[int] | list[str] = [1, 2]  # All strings or all ints

Uses the A|B (Python 3.10+, 3.7+ annotations only with future import) or typing.Union[A,B].

Very commonly used for "Nonable" (typing.Optional)

x: int | None = None

Other types

These are things common in compiled languages.

  • Literal[X]: Only this value (or values) exactly. Enum-like
  • Final[X]: Not allowed to be replaced later
  • @final: A decorator for methods that can't be overridden
  • enum.Enum: An enum type (subclass to make one)
  • TypedDict: A string keyed dict with types per key
  • NamedTuple: A tuple with names for items (and types, of course)
  • Self: The current class (3.11+)

Typing backports

If something was added in a newer version of Python, it is also in typing_extensions for older versions of Python.

import sys

if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
    from typing_extensions import Self
    from typing import Self

And then only require typing-extensions; python_version<"3.11".

Type narrowing

How do type checkers work? One key feature is type narrowing.

def f(x: str | None) -> str:  # x is str | None
    if x is None:
        return ""  # x must be None here
    return x  # x must be str here

The if statement "guards" against the None case, so after the if, the type has been narrowed to just str.

Type narrowing: question

What would this print?

def f(x: str | None) -> None:
    if x:

Type narrowing: a little help

You can help narrow with assert:

def could_be_none(y: bool) -> int | None:
    return 42 if y else None

y = could_be_none(True)
assert y is not None
print(f"Bitcount: {y.bit_count()}")

FYI, for the above, it would be better to use overloads with literals, we'll see that later.


Literals are often useful with type narrowing. Taking the following example:

from typing import Literal

def run(action: Literal["start", "stop"]) -> bool:
    if action == "start":
        return True
    return False

We'd like to be able to a) run this on str too, and b) get a literal True/False out if we put a literal in.


def run(action: Literal["start"]) -> Literal[True]: ...

def run(action: Literal["stop"]) -> Literal[False]: ...

def run(action: str) -> bool:
    if action == "start":
        return True
    return False

Now if we use a literal, the type system will know the actual value!

Exhaustiveness checking

class Direction(enum.Enum):
    up =
    down =

def handle_direciton(direction: Direction) -> str:
    if direction == Direction.up:  # direction contains [up, down]
        return "up"
    if direction == Direction.down:  # direction contains [down]
        return "down"
    assert_never(direction)  # direction is the empty Union

If you add a new enum item later, this will fail until you handle it!

Structural subtyping

This is basically formalized ducktyping

  • Python: Protocol
  • C++: Concepts
  • Java: Interface
  • Rust: Traits (partial parametric polymorphism, but similar)


What is the type of x in this function?

def f(x) -> None:

We could look up the actual type(s) this is called on.

Or we could formalize what we know what a Protocol!

Protocols (2)

class Duck(typing.Protocol):
    def quack(self) -> None: ...  # This is actually part of the syntax

def f(x: Duck) -> None:

Now, f can be called on any object that has a .quack() method, and the type checker will be happy!

Runtime protocols

Opt-in, though types are not checked.

class Duck(typing.Protocol):
    def quack(self) -> None: ...

class MyDuck:
    def quack(self) -> None:

# Works at runtime
assert isinstance(MyDuck, Duck)

Verify you pass a Protocol

Here's a (slightly weird) trick to see if you pass a Protocol:

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    _: Duck = typing.cast(MyDuck, None)

When running the type checker, you pretend (cast) that None is an instance of a MyDuck, and then see if you can assign it to a variable of type Duck. If you can, it's a valid Duck.

Note that typing.assert_type (3.11) only checks exact types, not structural subtypes, so it's not useful for this.

Standard ABCs

  • Iterable[T]: Something that can be iterated (has __iter__)
  • Iterator[T]: Something that is being iterated (has __next__)
  • Sized: Something that has a __len__
  • Collection[T]: This can be iterated over and is Sized
  • Sequence[T]: Collection with random access (list, tuple)
  • Generator[T, None, None]: This is what a yield function returns
  • Mapping[K, V]: Something that acts like a dict
  • Callable[[Args, ...], RetValue]: Something that is callable
  • Set[T] A set or frozenset, or similar

When to use Protocols vs. concrete types

  • Input parameters should be as general as possible
  • Output should be as specific as possible
from import Sequence, Sized

def match_ints(a: Sequence[int], b: Sized) -> list[int]:
    return list(a[: len(b)])

In this case, we might want to "pass-through" the type of a...

Generics: TypeVar

Let's type this trivial function:

def f(x):
    return x

We need to "pass-through" the type of x.

Generics: TypeVar (Python 3.12+)

def f[T](x: T) -> T:
    return x

In Python 3.12, we could do it as shown. But that is not valid at runtime in older versions, since it's new syntax, and not only an annotation.

This also handles covariance/contravariance for you!

Generics: TypeVar

T = typing.TypeVar("T")

def f(x: T) -> T:
    return x
  • TypeVar's must be used in the input of a function.
  • TypeVar can be inside another type
  • You can constrain TypeVar to certain types & subclasses (bound=)
  • Or just to specific types (positional arguments)
  • TypeVar's can be covariant, contravariant, or invariant (more later)

Type theory: Contravariant or Covariant

TL;DR: Do whatever the type checker tells you

                               A -> B -> C

Let's say the typevar is B. Accepting C would be covariant and A would be contravariant.

Unions/immutable collections are covariant. B | None would accept C. Lists (or anything mutable) are invariant.

Going further

Try mypyc; it can compile your Python, giving a 2-5x speedup on a fully typed codebase.