
Object Oriented Programming

Why design classes?

We want an interface that is:

  • Easy to use correctly
  • Hard to use incorrectly

We don't want to give up on our principles, like modularity!

You absolutely can design a spaghetti mess of code with OOP!

  • Encapsulation (1): Bundling data & operations together
  • Encapsulation (2): Isolating implementation & minimal public part
  • Object/Instance: A variable holding data with a type holding
  • Attribute/Property: Something accessible on an object
  • Member: A data attribute stored in each object
  • Method/Member function: A callable attribute stored in a class
  • Constructor/Initializer: A function that creates instances
  • Destructor: A function that runs when an instance is destroyed
  • Inheritance: When one class uses another as a starting point
  • Composition (1): Adding instances of classes as members
  • Composition (2): Combining classes via multiple inheritance

Why use classes?

  • Keep related values tother
  • Inheritance and Composition can be used to keep code DRY
  • Clean way to establish interfaces (ABCs/Protocols)
  • Ensure required code is run
  • Associate functions to a specific type (varies by language)

Why inheritance?

A: Parent class / super class B: Child class

class A:

class B(A):
  • Provides the concept of "is a" (isinstance / issubclass in Python)
  • Provides a way to "realize" or "implement" a specified interface

Why composition/aggregation?

class A:

class B:
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = A()
  • Provides the concept of "has a", or "inherent part of".
  • Composition: contained object's lifetime is tied to the parent
  • Aggregation parent holds objects, but they exist separately too
  • "Wrapped" class can re-expose (some) of contained methods (remember inheritance can't remove attributes!)

UML diagrams

UML, or Unified Modeling Language, is a method of displaying class diagrams (read more here), or read about it for mermaid, which is supported quite a lot of places these days, including GitHub.


  • Single responsibility: classes should do one thing (modular)
  • Open-closed principle: API stable (closed) but extensible (open)
  • Liskov substitution: children work where parents expected
  • Interfaces should be specific and segregated
  • Dependency inversion
    • High level code should not depend on low level code details
    • Low level code should depend on high level abstractions

Interfaces example

  • Xerox makes a mutlifunction machine
    • Stapler and Printer are subclasses of Job
    • Job holds everything for interacting with the machine
    • Printer can access stapling functions since they are in Job
  • Now they want to make a coper that can't staple
    • But Job still knows about stapling!
  • Testing is also much harder

Design principles & patterns

Minimal public API

class Container:
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x

c = Container(1)
c.x = 2

Since we allow setting x after creation, we have to design the class assuming a user can manually change it at any time!

Minimal public API (2)

class Container:
    def __init__(self, x):
        self._x = x

    def x(self):
        return self._x

Now a user can't change x, only set it

  • frozen=True does this with dataclasses
  • We can also make this hashable now (usable in dict keys and sets)
  • The underscore means it's "hidden" (some languages have private)

Pattern: code reuse

# fmt: off
class SteppedCode:
    def step_1(self):
        print("Working on step 1")
    def step_2(self):
        print("Working on step 2")
    def step_3(self):
        print("Working on step 3")
    def run(self):
# fmt: on

Pattern: code reuse (2)

Now you can replace one step via inheritance:

class NewSteps(SteppedCode):
    def step_2(self):
        print("Replaced step 2")


Pattern: code reuse (3)

Or inject code around an existing step:

class SurroundedSteps(SteppedCode):
    def step_2(self):
        print("Before step 2")
        print("After step 2")


Required interface

  • Require an implementer to provide one or methods
  • Often via @abstractmethod and ABCs

Extended "Integrator" example in class notes.

Functors: the problem

_start = 0

def incr():
    global _start
    _start += 1
    return _start

print(f"{incr() = }")  # incr() = 1
print(f"{incr() = }")  # incr() = 2
print(f"{incr() = }")  # incr() = 3

This is global, there can only by one.

Functors: the problem (2)

def make_incr():
    _start = 0

    def incr():
        nonlocal _start
        _start += 1
        return _start

    return incr

incr1 = make_incr()
print(f"{incr1() = }")  # incr1() = 1
print(f"{incr1() = }")  # incr1() = 2

Not global anymore, but still ugly. _start is kept around via reference counting.

Functors: the solution

class Incr:
    start: int = 0

    def __call__(self):
        self.start += 1
        return self.start

incr = Incr()
print(f"{incr() = }")  # incr() = 1
print(f"{incr() = }")  # incr() = 2
  • Functor: A callable object that holds state

Separation of concerns

Each class should address a specific concern.

Some languages allow you to define classes in multiple places (Ruby, Rust), and just load the part you need or extend it without subclassing. Python does not (at least not officially/nicely), neither does C++. Multiple inheritance, type dispatch (C++, Julia), or Traits (Rust) can provide similar benefits, though.

eDSLs: embedded Domain Specific Languages

class Path(str):
    def __truediv__(self, other):
        return self.__class__(f"{self}/{other}")

print(Path("one") / Path("two"))

You can use operator overloading (and a few other things) to make something for a domain specific purpose instead of a new language.

Don't do this exact thing, pathlib.Path already exists. :)


A very specific form of multiple inheritance.


  • No __init__
  • No members (those need __init__)
  • No super()
  • No overloading the class they are to mix into

You can bend these rules a bit, but then you are moving into multiple inheritance territory, so be very careful.

Mixins (2)

class PathMixin:
    def __truediv__(self, other):
        return self.__class__(f"{self}/{other}")

class Path(str, PathMixin):

print(Path("one") / Path("two"))
  • Example: a drag-and-drop mixin for a GUI framework
  • FYI, Python specific simi-alternative: new class keywords